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A real business is one where the founder has created a system so that the business can run itself without their constant presence.

Michael Gerber
“The E-Myth”

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When the business starts running you…

It’s not uncommon for successful entrepreneurs to suddenly find themselves stuck in their business without the freedom they originally thought would come from all their hard work.

At a certain point, it can seem as though the business is running them instead of the other way around.

Usually it’s because the shift from founder to CEO—in more than just title—is not a natural evolution for most entrepreneurs.


What's Holding You Back?


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The Founder’s Plateau

In the early days of a business the founder is often the sole decision-maker and problem-solver. They provide the fuel to drive the business forward with a mix of brute force and enthusiasm; fighting fires as they arise with a singular focus on getting the business off the ground.

Ironically, many of the characteristics and habits that helped a business succeed in the early years become a barrier to reaching new levels, often causing the business to hit a wall instead.

All too often it’s the founder that becomes the biggest barrier.

This situation usually leads to a crisis of leadership and what we call The Founder’s Plateau.

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We fix that

Our system is designed to develop effective leadership teams that are focused, aligned, and accountable so our clients can focus on what’s really important rather than being distracted by day-to-day minutia.

Our approach ensures everyone in the organization is on the same page when it comes to where the business is heading, how it’s going to get there, and what role they play in its success.

In other words, everyone in the organization starts rowing in the same direction and consistently making decisions that are in the best interest of the company.

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Success requires everyone in the organization to have a clear understanding of the goals of the business and how their work connects to those goals.


Technology Adoption

New technologies, when used appropriately, have the potential to transform the way a company does business. We help clients identify areas in their business where technology will help identify and shape opportunities to remain relevant and profitable.

A digital transformation plan that supports the goals of the business and is properly adopted throughout the organization is an important key to freeing the owner from the trap of the Founder’s Plateau.


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The Doholis-Lambert APproach

Although we have a framework that has proven successful through the test of time, our approach may be best described by paraphrasing Jim Collins from “Good to Great, Why Some Companies Make the Leap... and Others Don’t.”

There is no single defining action, no solitary lucky break, no miracle moment. Rather, the process resembles relentlessly pushing a giant, heavy flywheel, building momentum until there’s a point of breakthrough, and eventually momentum makes it easy to keep the flywheel spinning.


Doholis-Lambert didn’t just point us toward a new path, they walked that path with us.

Andrew Lutowicz
President and CEO, Verto360

Ted Doholis

Doholis is TEd

Ted Doholis

Ted is an Enterprise Architect with a focus on strategic planning and entrepreneurial experience spanning 13 years. Combining strategy, technology, critical thinking, and an imaginative nature he has been a steward for successful outcomes for organizations of all sizes in both private and public sectors.


Lambert is Paul

Paul Lambert

Paul has worked with hundreds of organizations from a variety of sectors over the past 25 years, helping business leaders define what they want to achieve, plan how they’re going to get there, and determine how they will measure their success. His analytical and critical thinking - tempered with creativity and intuition - allows Paul to connect and communicate easily with professionals of all sorts.


Paul Lambert


Our Guarantee

We’re serious about delivering results and we put our money where our mouth is with a 100% satisfaction guarantee.

If a client ever feels they didn’t receive the value they expected, we will make it up in whatever manner they see fit, including refunding our fee.

Ted Doholis

Ted Doholis

Paul Lambert

Paul Lambert


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What's Holding You Back?


We develop effective leadership teams that are focused, aligned, and accountable so our clients can focus on what’s important rather than be distracted by day-to-day minutia.

If you think we might be a good fit, send us a note. We look forward to a chat.


We respect your privacy. We promise not to make a nuisance of ourselves or share your information—ever.